silence of the north
Nordisk Stilhed

Top class picture quality and printing

“Absolutely stunning images ….. and really captures the remoteness, harshness and beauty of the landscape and the hardy creatures that survive in it. The picture quality and printing are top class …. and so much better than images online or even in your fantastic videos. A great addition to any photographer or wildlife lover’s library. Highly recommended.”

Steve Marson


Nature photographs from the small projects in the backyard, my two years in the dogsled patrol and from my long expeditions to the far North.



Through the chapters I am telling my story from I started photographing and until today. I am sharing the moments of doubt, freedom and unlimited happiness.




My books and calendars are designed and printed in Denmark and the paper used is Cradle to Cradle Certified™ at Bronze level. Of course the production is FSC certified.

Every year I donate a percentage of my sale, and since 2019 I have planted 6.000 trees through Eden Reforestation Projects.

150 photographs

From my expeditions and adventures in the Nordic nature and high Arctic.
The photos are printed on Arctic Volumen high quality mat paper which is perfect for the minimalistic style of this book.

8 personal

Life Stories

One of my goals when writing the book was to share my stories and thoughts. Not only from my 2 years in the dogsled patrol but also my thoughts and doubts when I left school and decided to spend my life in nature with my camera.

2. edition now available

silence of the north

Silence of the North

Silence of the North

Regular price673,80 kr
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

My book Silences of the North expresses my fascination of the natural world, and it brings together my favourite photographs from my many trips and expeditions to the Nordic countries. Besides the many photos, I also share some of my thoughts, and I do my very best to describe the beauty and silence I find in nature.

Language: Danish and English

Size and weight:
24,5 cm x 35,5 cm
2250 grams

Nordisk Stilhed udtrykker min fascination og respekt for naturen og samtidig viser den skønheden og den ro, som jeg finder derude. En skønhed og ro, som nogle gange skal findes midt i snestormen, når dyr og mennesker bliver tvunget til at søge ly. Bogen er min hyldest til en meget sårbar natur og til de dyr, som lever i den”.

Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk